Waveguide cross couplers are widely used in microwave measurement, sampling, high-power detection, microwave feed system, radar, communication, navigation, satellite communication and other systems. There are standard waveguide types such as rectangular, flat rectangular, and medium flat rectangular. The product frequency The range covers 5.85-40GHz, the standard rectangular waveguide ranges from WR28-WR1150, the typical main line standing wave VSWR1.05 in the full waveguide bandwidth, the secondary line standing wave VSWR1.25, the coupling degree is 30-60dB optional, with high directivity, VSWR Small size, low frequency response and full waveguide bandwidth.
The basic materials of the waveguide high directional coupler are copper and aluminum, and the surface treatment includes silver plating, gold plating, nickel plating, passivation, conductive oxidation and other treatment methods. The dimensions, flanges, joint types, materials, surface treatment and electrical specifications of waveguide couplers can be customized according to customer requirements.