Waveguide components are RF passive components used to transmit, amplify, control, measure, filter, couple, combine or divide Radio Frequency (RF) signals at high frequencies. A waveguide is a hollow metal tube structure used to transmit high-frequency electromagnetic signals (usually in the microwave frequency range) from one place to another. For example, in radars, a waveguide transfers radio-frequency energy to and from the antenna.
Waveguide components consist of flexible waveguides, waveguide amplifiers, waveguide attenuators, waveguide transitions, waveguide bends, waveguide circulators, corner reflectors, feed horns, waveguide filters, and much more. These components are used in commercial, military, communications, space, EMC, test & measurement, radar, radio, airborne, and much more applications.
1. F=9.84-15GHz
2. Silver plated copper ,white color paint
3. VSWR≤1.15